Want your ad to be seen on our website?
• Ad includes hyper-link to advertiser’s website or landing page. •
• Provide design elements (logo and text) and we will design your ad for you included in your ad rate! •
• Or, can provide the ad at the required dimensions (900 px X 144 px at 72 DPI). •
• Get exposure on the web platform that park and recreation organizations gather. •
Example ad, designed by MTRPA’s Resource Development Coordinator.

(Required ad dimensions: 900 pixels wide X 144 pixels height @ 72 dpi)
Commercial Premiere Membership with Website Ad Included $360/year
Website ad for one year! This Ad Rate includes a membership to the MTRPA, discounted exhibitor booth conference registration plus a preferred table location at our state conference (with exhibitor booth purchase), and membership for all employees. Learn more about Commercial Premiere Membership today!
Ad Rate for Others $250/year
Website ad for one year for anyone who is NOT a Commercial Premier Member. Checks for all advertising fees must be made payable to “MTRPA” or we can invoice you via PayPal for on-line payments. Payments must be made in advance. To advertise as a non-member, contact us at to arrange your ad.