$MILLIONS Available Soon for Trails, Recreation and Parks Projects!

From: Bob Walker, MTRPA Trails Representative Subject: $MILLIONS Available Soon for Trails, Recreation and Parks Projects! Date: September 22, 2022 Annually, Fish, Wildlife & Parks provides grants for an array of trails and recreation projects. This year the total amount of grants available is nearly $4 million! The grants, depending on the program, can fund […]
Fact Sheet: Transportation Alternatives, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

The Rails-To-Trails Conservancy held a very informative webinar this morning titled Accessibility on Rail-Trails and Other Shared Use Paths. One of the speakers was our old friend Christopher Douwes, U.S Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration! He discussed the importance of accessibility for all recreation and transportation trails and paths, and associated laws especially with projects […]
P&R Grant Programs Overview Slideshow

Our Legislative adviser, Bob Walker, shares with us a slideshow that Carissa Beckwith, Fish, Wildlife & Parks Montana Trail Stewardship Program Manager, shared at the Montana Trails Coalition Board meeting on Monday, January 10th. It includes valuable information about the Montana Trail Stewardship Grant Program, Recreational Trails (Grant) Program, OHV Grant Programs, Snowmobile Grant Program and […]
Rails-To-Trails BIL Trail and Active Transportation Funding Opportunities

Find attached a document from the Rails-To-Trails Conservancy with good information about the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (BIL), Trail and Active Transportation Funding Opportunities. Rails-To-Trails professionals will include this as a topic of discussion at their Monday Montana Trails Coalition meeting. Thank you to our Legislative Chair, Bob Walker for always sharing important resources.
6/2/2021 Final Legislative Report – Parks & Recreation
The 67th session of the Montana Legislature adjourned April 29. We delayed this Final Report until final action by the Governor’s office on bills that passed. Please find below our Final report for the 2021 legislative session. We did experience some major accomplishments in funding for recreation and state parks. As is usually the case, […]
4/11/2021 Legislature Report – Parks & Recreation
Your Montana Trails Coalition and Montana Trails, Recreation and Parks Association keeps you informed and up-to-date about bills in the legislature that affect recreation and parks programs. NOTE: SB means Senate bill, HB means House of Representatives bill, LC means a bill draft request has been submitted to Legislative Services. RECREATION HB 2 (Representative Jones): […]
4/24/2021 Legislature Report – Parks & Recreation
Your Montana Trails Coalition and Montana Trails, Recreation and Parks Association keeps you informed and up-to-date about bills in the legislature that affect recreation and parks programs. RECREATION NOTE: HB 2 and HB 5 biennially include the large appropriations for state government operations and capital improvements. As in past years, both bills go through many […]
3/21/2021 Legislature Report – Parks & Recreation
Your Montana Trails Coalition and Montana Trails, Recreation and Parks Association keeps you informed and up-to-date about bills in the legislature that affect recreation and parks programs. April 1 is Transmittal of Appropriation and Revenue Bills & Bills Proposing Referenda. NOTE: SB means Senate bill, HB means House of Representatives bill, LC means a bill draft request has been submitted to […]
3/20/2021 Legislature Report – Parks & Recreation
Your Montana Trails Coalition and Montana Trails, Recreation and Parks Association keeps you informed and up-to-date about bills in the legislature that affect recreation and parks programs. This past two weeks have been extremely busy at the Capitol. Transmittal was March 3 which means general bills must be transmitted to the other chamber from which they originated. […]
3/15/2021 Legislature Report – Parks & Recreation
Your Montana Trails Coalition and Montana Trails, Recreation and Parks Association keeps you informed and up-to-date about bills in the legislature that affect recreation and parks programs. This past two weeks have been extremely busy at the Capitol. Transmittal was March 3 which means general bills must be transmitted to the other chamber from which they originated. […]