2021 Annual Conference Registration

City of Great Falls Park and Recreation is excited to host the MTRPA annual conference October 3rd – 5th at Holiday Inn Great Falls Convention Center! The conference committee has been hard at work to provide members, students, retirees and associates a first-class conference that will provide valuable educational sessions and social events. Registration is […]
6/2/2021 Final Legislative Report – Parks & Recreation
The 67th session of the Montana Legislature adjourned April 29. We delayed this Final Report until final action by the Governor’s office on bills that passed. Please find below our Final report for the 2021 legislative session. We did experience some major accomplishments in funding for recreation and state parks. As is usually the case, […]
P&R 2021 Final Legislative Report

6/2/2021 Final Legislative Report – Parks & Recreation The 67th session of the Montana Legislature adjourned April 29. We delayed this Final Report until final action by the Governor’s office on bills that passed. I must also admit that I took a two-week vacation after the session to regroup, spend time with family, and […]
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking applicants for three citizen advisory boards

FWP SEEKS CITIZEN ADVISORY MEMBERS FOR RECREATIONAL GRANT PROGRAMS Source: https://fwp.mt.gov/homepage/news/2021/may/0504-fwp-seeks-citizen-advisory-members-for-recreational-grant-programs May 4, 2021 12:00 AM HELENA – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking applicants for three citizen advisory boards: State Trails Advisory Committee, Snowmobile Advisory Committee and the Off-Highway Advisory Committee. FWP advisory boards are tasked with advising FWP on the allocation of grant […]
Critical Legislative Update

⚠️ Critical Legislative Update ⚠️ Budget negotiations are underway in Helena this coming week that will determine whether a promising new funding source is invested in Montana’s outdoor spaces, or not. In November, Montana voters passed ballot initiative 190 which directed new revenue generated by the sale of recreational marijuana to expand public access, maintain […]
How To Work with Legislature in 2021

There is a lot going on in this legislative session already! Keep updated with by visiting our Legislative Updates page under Resources. Below is a message from our advisory board member, Bob Walker about how to get involved. How you can work with Legislature Recently several have requested information about working with our legislature. Following […]
2021 MTRPA Annual Conference

Save the dates for our 2021 MTRPA Annual Conference October 3rd, 4th, & 5th in Great Falls, MT! We are very optimistic that we will be able to have an in person conference at that time and we can’t wait to gather together again. However, we will also plan to offer a way to join virtually […]
Mid-Year Meeting 10 a.m. Tuesday 10/6

Remote Mid-Year Member Meeting Access Join us on-line for our Mid-Year Member Meeting Tuesday 10/6 at 10 a.m. Our Membership Chair, Chris Waite, will be providing on-line meeting access via Zoom. (You don’t need to download the Zoom Meeting App, you can select the option to join using your browser only.) The on-line meeting invitation […]
Montana State Parks sees steady visitation for the first six months of 2020

Recreation News from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Wednesday, September 16, 2020 Montana State Parks recorded 1.4 million visitors from January through June of this year. Compared with same time period last year, visitation increased by 25.4 percent. While visitation increased at nearly 80 percent of state parks across Montana, there were several parks that […]
Great American Outdoors Act & INVEST in America Act

Our Trail Representative, Bob Walker, took it upon himself write two letters to Congressman Gianforte requesting his support of the Great American Outdoors Act and the Invest In America Act on behalf of our Montana Trails Recreation and Park Association. Great American Outdoors Act “The Montana Trails, Recreation and Parks Association requests your support of […]