LWCF Grants Available

Montana State Parks (stateparks.mt.gov) announced today that federal Land & Water Conservation Fund Program (LWCF) grants will be available for local, public and outdoor recreation projects in Montana. Applications are due by Friday, February 7, 2014. Cities, counties, school districts, conservation districts, Indian Nations and similar entities are eligible to apply. Typical facilities funded in […]
Montana State Parks SCORP Public Comment

Montana State Parks (stateparks.mt.gov) announced today that public comment is being sought on the draft Montana Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). The plan provides strategic recommendations to help maintain outdoor recreation as a priority in Montana because it benefits the quality of life for Montanans, and helps sustain economic vitality of our communities. This plan, […]
Governor Signs Bill
Governor Steve Bullock signed HB24 creating a state Parks and Recreation Board on April 29, 2013 at the Pictograph Caves State Park interpretive center. The bill provides powers, duties, and rule making authority to the Board to oversee state parks, primitive parks, state recreational areas, public camping grounds, state historic sites, state monuments, and other […]