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Montana Invasive Species Council Listening session August 24 & 25

Montana Invasive Species Council stakeholder listening sessions 8/24 & 8/25. The Council is developing a work plan and updating their Framework document with input from partners and stakeholders. All are invited to attend a listening session on August 24 or 25, 2022 in person or virtually.

Please RSVP to Mindy Wilkinson, Contractor (805) 704-7906. If you are not able to attend but would like to provide written feedback please email Mindy or use the following form:

August 24 & 25: Stakeholder Listening Sessions.

Meetings will be in Helena at the DNRC offices 1539 11th Ave, or via Zoom. Please choose one session to attend. If you cannot attend the session that most closely fits your area of expertise, please join at any other time during the listening sessions! You do not need to attend more than one.

TimeAugust 24August 25
8AMAquatic ResourcesAgriculture
10AMForest ResourcesResearch and Extension
1PMConservation and WatershedsTerrestrial Weeds
3PMRecreation and TourismTribes, Partner Organizations

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 856 9818 8860

Password: 575117

Dial by Telephone

+1 646 558 8656

Meeting ID: 856 9818 8860

Password: 575117

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A summary of the listening sessions will be provided to all participants in preparation for the October 25 & 26 Invasive Species Summit where the tasks for the MISC work plan will be prioritized. Please reach out to me if you have any questions. Thanks for your help!

Questions for Stakeholders:

Current concerns regarding invasive species: What are the issues and concerns impacting your work now? How do you anticipate that changing over the next few years?

The Montana Invasive Species Council has a set of tools that have been successfully used to address invasive species issues. These include:

Building capacity and identifying new threats: Increased capacity for existing invasive species management programs can overcome barriers to successful management. What increases in capacity would provide meaningful change to your priority invasive species management? Statewide priority species for prevention and management change as new species are introduced and pathways for introduction change. What species are causing you concern now?

Science Advisory Panels: MISC Scientific Advisory Panels are composed of experts brought together to provide independent, science-based recommendations for stakeholder identified issues related to invasive species management in Montana. Past issues have included the use of Environmental-DNA, scoping the potential for approval of biocontrol agents for houndstongue, and gauging the invasibility of eastern heath snail. What invasive species issues impact you or your organization that should be considered for future Science Advisory Panels?

Economic Impact of Invasive Species studies:  MISC has collaborated with researchers and economists to determine the economic impact of invasive species in Montana, including the potential impact of the introduction of invasive aquatic mussels to Montana waterways and the economic impact of the expansion of eastern heath snails. Are there invasive species that you or your organization are concerned about that could have a financial impact? Would a better understanding of the economic impact of a species cause changes in how it is managed?

Suggestions to improve compliance with Montana Invasive Species Laws: MISC has worked to improve compliance with Montana’s Invasive species laws by engaging and priority invasive species laws gaps and needs. Could improved compliance increase the success of invasive species management in your area?

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